Heart broken

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I deleted all my posts because I hadnt posted for so long I decided to start again.

No massive changes to the weight thing. Still fat -_-

Currently I am having my heart broken again and again. Theres this fit boy called M in my school who I infactuated with. Sometimes it seems he likes me. But he cant because he likes this other girl called U and she's my friend. Yesterday he asked her out. She said no because 1) because she has two boyfriends already and no 2) she knows I like him. I told her she could go out with him if she wanted. I didnt add that I would never talk to her again if she did. She refused point blank though.
Idon't know what to do. I'm out of control spirraling off into the distance. The only thing I can do to make myself feel better is hate my body and blog to yu guys. I hope ya'll still want to hear from me. I'm sorry for deserting you guys but I could really do with some comforting right now :'(
Brought some jeans today size eight I think and my belly so hangs over them. I was disgusted mann. This is my goal, to sort my belly out so that the jeans dont even touch my stomach.
I need a buddy so badly guys. If you're up for it then comment on this post. I could really do with someone who understands me right now.
Not eating much today. My belly has this hollow Feed me feel but I wont listen. I don't deserve food. If i was thinner M would Like me better. How can I expect him to like me when I am this great big fat lump. Come on, get real.
Well that is it for now. Doubt anyone will read this until like....never. Oh well.

Love to all those Daisies out there.

Jaye Ole <3